Friday, 21 January 2011

Friday 21st January 2011

My last post was #69. Now that's a bit of a mouthful.

Thank gawd it's Friday, left Glasgow at half three and I just got in.
Five fucking hours in the car again, that's 10 hours driving plus 17 hours work in two days. Damn I'm fucking committed to the cause.

I know someone (who's name I shan't mention) who bought ingredients for a stir-fry and bought Light Soy Sauce because they thought it was healthier than dark. A bit like Muller lite, except it's soy sauce and not imitation yoghurt with processed fruit.
Nothing like Miller Lite though, that's a fat free healthy alcoholic beverage drunk by gay Americans who wear cowboy hats.

I went to a yee-haa cowboy type bar in America once.
I never thought that type of place existed, except for on the tele in trashy American show, but there is definitely at least one. I know, I've been there.
It was full of men in checked shirts, denim jeans and cowboy hats and women in checked shirts, denim mini-skirts and cowboy hats. There was lots of yee-haa-ing too, and plenty of beer drunk.
There was a small stage at the front, which was raised up about an inch higher than the rest of the floor, with a banjo plucker and everything. The lot. The whole nine yards, the full monty, the complete package.

I had a 'Mushroom and Goat's Cheese' burger last night. The menu said it was
'a vegetarian option burger, made from mushrooms with goat's cheese, served with salad and french fries.' Sounds nice, I thought, so I ordered it. When it came it wasn't really a 'burger made from mushrooms with goat's cheese' but more like 'a couple of large flat mushrooms with goat's cheese on top on a pile of lettuce, tomato, cucumber and onion between two halves of a bun'.
It was nice though, and I suppose it was in Scotland, the land of the fried Mars Bar.
I can't really say anything too detrimental about Scotland otherwise my stalker #1 and only fan may get nasty.

They say that coffee and cigarettes are an alcoholic's best friend. Could be true I suppose, they are all drugs at the end of the day.

Have you noticed all the adverts that are cropping up in these blogs? Just hover over any of the red words and you will get one. All at Amazon. If you want to buy something on Amazon let me know what it is and I'll put a link up in a blog. You click on it and buy it through the link and I make money. I won't share any of it with you, but you will still have your stuff and you will feel much better for it in the knowledge that you have helped a struggling blogger.

Nothing beats a bit of shameless self promotion.............

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